Making Marks


Since pounding out pieces for a show more than a month ago, I’ve been on somewhat of a creative hiatus. It’s like my creativity, a sponge, was wrung and there was nothing left to squeeze out. In the time of doing basically nothing, I’ve not really been a very content person and I know this inevitably always happens. It’s a been there, done that kind of thing. I come in from the “paying” job burned out and feeling totally spent and the weekends are no better. Set the alarm clock so I can get up to paint? No, are you kidding! I have only wanted to sleep in and then take all that and wrap it up in the busyness of Christmas…oh my.

Speaking of Christmas and my self-inflicted season of discontent, I realize the underlying cause which I have sometimes overlooked. Actually, the cause is not that it’s been overlooked, but that I just haven’t prioritize. By prioritizing, I mean that my moments of creativity is a time of connecting with God and when I’m not engaged creativly, I grow quite silent and miserable. When I’m creating, my studio a.k.a. the kitchen is filled with worship music. It’s a time of Thanksgiving, a time of talking about all my concerns, the problems I face, the world in which we live, my perceived needs and yes, even my wants (He wants it all). It’s also a time of just listening. I’ll admit the listening part is hard to do. If only I could shut up long enough. (My students would definitely agree.)

This morning with alarm clock set, I was up at sunrise. I didn’t create anything exceptionally or remotely outstanding. It was just about making marks, committing the time, and reconnecting. Just making marks with no preconceived idea what the end product would be. It’s a matter of putting whatever medium is being used to the paper.

Today, it was chalk on newsprint. I looked for my charcoal, but it was nowhere to be found. Little did I know at the time that it was the color I was also missing. Love how that happens. With chalk in hand and Van Morrison’s “Have I Told You Lately” playing, I began. The first marks were simple lines and dots following along with the movement of the music. Then, shapes take form, and then I see where it’s going. It may just be making marks, but sometimes that’s all it needs to be- a start, a beginning, a first step, asking a question like “have I told you lately that I love you.”

I leave you this to ponder.  How are you making marks?  What’s your medium in which you make marks? It doesn’t have to be something artsy, but something that draws you closer to Christ in this season and all seasons.

Sleep Deprivation for the Sake of Art

Wow, what a week!  Today, I did my first art installation in a restaurant.  Leading up to the installation, there were many nights of very little sleep since I was finishing up paintings,  making labels, working on my inventory, wiring canvases, setting up this blog which is still a work in progress (sorry about that), and there were many more little loose ends that had to be tied up not to mention keeping up with the duties of my regular job.  Geez!  With all this going on, I was averaging about three hours of sleep each night and by some means I have managed to keep going.  No one ever tells you about this side of art.  It’s definitely not all painting and creating.  Regardless, it has certainly been worth the loss of sleep.

Now that I have my artwork in a third town, my house is completely empty of art.  The walls and easel are barren.  I had thought of taking a short little reprieve, but the emptiness is calling to me.  Not only is the lack of art motivating me to make more, but even my amazing husband walked through the house and announced that I would have to start some new art because the house just wasn’t the same.  He sure does know how to make me smile.  So, it looks like it’s time to start making some new art for art’s sake.  At least there’s no deadlines for awhile.

Texas Steakhouse show
Texas Steakhouse show

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Artist Tracey Penrod
Artist Tracey Penrod

Hey Folks!

I am an artist out of eastern North Carolina and this is my first official blog post.  My desire for this blog is to introduce you to my artistic aesthetics and the inner workings of my thought process as I develop each piece of artwork.  With that in mind, I hope that each viewer will find a connection to my artwork and that the artwork will speak in its own unique way to the viewer by offering encouragement in this often busy and chaotic world in which we live.